Tailored CleanUp™ Program for Audacy

“One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.” -JFK


SignUp to CleanUp!

Complete the form below to register your cleanup.

Suggestions for an individual cleanup event

Trashtag - take a “before” and “after” picture of your cleanup area. #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are two pictures worth?”

Plogging - Walking or jogging to cleanup #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag

“Run, but run with a purpose”

Stay safe and have fun!

Tailored CleanUp™ Program

After your CleanUp, be sure to fill out a Report a CleanUp form.


Supporting Sound Communities 

Bringing communities together for good. We like the sound of that. It’s why we support the health and success of our communities. It’s why we use our voice to raise awareness of social issues. Community is truly the heart of our business. So as one of the nation’s leading audio influencers, we unite with our listeners, brands, and employees to create positive impact. Audacy is the second largest radio company in the United States with over 225 stations in 48 media markets. Audacy is the result of the merger of Entercom and CBS Radio.

Tailored CleanUp SIGNUP Data Level 1