Tailored CleanUp™ Program for Kids on Bicycles
“One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.” -JFK
SignUp to CleanUp!
Complete the form below to register your cleanup.
Suggestions for your individual cleanup event
Trashtag - take a “before” and “after” picture of your cleanup area. #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are two pictures worth?”
Plogging - Walking or jogging to cleanup #NationalCleanUpDay #Plogging
“Run, but run with a purpose”
Stay safe and have fun!
Tailored CleanUp Program
After your CleanUp, be sure to fill out a Report a CleanUp form.
Kids on Bicycles
Kids on Bicycles sources bikes from the community, fixes them up and then gives them to kids for free.
Kids on Bicycles knows that bikes can change lives. Our organization formed during the pandemic after realizing that connecting kids with bikes was more important than ever. Bikes offer a sense of freedom for kids and offer an outlet for exercise and mental health.
We are in the process of forming as a non-profit organization. We have BIG plans to connect every kid in America with a bike and develop programming that creates a life-long appreciation of exercise and mental health through bicycling.
We are thinking globally but acting locally. We are currently serving Montgomery County, Maryland with plans to expand to the DC Metro Area and Frederick County Fall '21. Ambitions are to develop regional and national programming and partnerships.
Please join us on our journey to make sure every kid has a bike!