Tailored CleanUp™ Program
“One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.” -JFK
SignUp to Go Plirding!
Complete the form below to register your cleanup.
Suggestions for your individual cleanup event
PLIRDING - Walking or jogging to cleanup #NationalCleanUpDay #PLIRDING
“Bird, but bird with a purpose.”
Trashtag - take a “before” and “after” picture of your cleanup area. #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are two pictures worth?”
Stay safe and have fun!
Tailored CleanUp Program
After your CleanUp, be sure to fill out a Report a CleanUp form.
Inspired by plogging, “plirding” is picking up trash while birding! As people who enjoy birds, we have an obligation to look after them by taking care of their (and our) environment. Picking up even a couple of pieces of trash while we’re out on the trail or in a park can help make a difference. And as others see our example, they might be encouraged to pick up trash too—or perhaps even not throw it on the ground in the first place.