Tailored CleanUp™ Program for Timex
“One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.” -JFK
It’s time to CleanUp!
Complete the form below to share/report your cleanup.
Cleanup, Take Pictures, Count, and Report Your Cleanup
Trashtag - take a “before” and “after” picture of your cleanup area. #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are two pictures worth?”
Plogging - Walking or jogging to cleanup #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag
“Run, but run with a purpose”
Stay safe and have fun!
Tailored CleanUp™ Program for Timex
Sustainability has become a pretty hot term in the world of commerce. Retail brands, big corporations and organizations of all types are claiming various levels of “green” status. Some consumers aren’t too concerned; for others, it’s their primary reason to buy from one brand instead of another.
When more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from just 100 major companies and corporations — this means all the gas-powered personal vehicles, residential HVAC systems and other individual day-to-day sources account for less than 30% of current output — it’s more crucial than ever for large companies and brands to take measures toward being more sustainable.
And this is actually nothing new for Timex. Through recent decades we’ve made changes and updates to traditional production lines and supply chains. Through relatively simple measures like converting facility lights from incandescent to LED, we’ve saved more than 400,000 kWh worth of electricity. We’ve also utilized waste water recovery methods to save millions of gallons of water, and our conversion to variable speed motors in our manufacturing facilities have saved enough electricity annually to power more than 30 average U.S. homes for an entire year.
In addition to these savings, our global facilities in the Philippines, France and Germany are recycling, reusing and reducing their consumption of paper, plastic and metal in the range of 10-20 metric tons per year. And as proud as we are of each step taken so far, we know that taking proper care of the Earth means looking for additional ways to improve as new possibilities present themselves.
It’s with this mindset that Timex is announcing something special: Expedition North. This new collection will launch later in 2021 with a focus on sustainable manufacturing, product longevity, and a better connection with the outdoors.
In the age of “green-washing,” when it seems like every other company and brand is trying to tell you how sustainable it is, we’re being sincere and transparent in our efforts to bring some of the sustainable and eco-friendly intentions to bear in a very real way. With the updates around this collection alone, we’re able to save over 911,000 kWh in electrical energy consumption, which could power an electric car to drive around the Earth more than 100 times over. The aforementioned leather strap manufacturing process that we’re using for these new watches will save thousands of gallons of water in the tanning and finishing stages; these are methods that are being picked up by major shoe brands as well, which speaks to maintaining quality while taking actual steps to lessen environmental impact.
Stay tuned for more information on our new Expedition North collection, and become a part of our efforts to build a better tomorrow.
Tailored CleanUp SIGNUP Data Level 1