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Tailored CleanUp™ Program for Venice Beach California

“One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.” -JFK


SignUp to CleanUp!

Complete the form below to register your cleanup.

Suggestions for your individual cleanup event

Trashtag - take a “before” and “after” picture of your cleanup area. #NationalCleanUpDay #Trashtag

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are two pictures worth?”

Plogging - Walking or jogging to cleanup #NationalCleanUpDay #Plogging

“Run, but run with a purpose”

National Cleanup day has partnered with Otter waiver to reduce our volunteer paper consumption to zero this year and we need your help. 

Stay safe and have fun!

Tailored CleanUp Program

After your CleanUp, be sure to fill out a Report a CleanUp form.


The Venice Beach area is a vital part of Los Angeles and cleanups are organized by business and community leaders. The goals include:

1. Promoting local businesses

2. Providing events and meeting opportunities for members

3. Advocating in support of issues that help our business community thrive and prosper

We believe that everyone in our community should have a voice in making Venice Beach a better place to work and live.

Tailored City CleanUp Signup